What is Sandscapes of KY?

We're so glad you asked! Welcome to Sandscapes, the Kentucky Sandtray Institute, where we invite you to delve deeper into the realm of Sandtray Therapy and discover its profound significance in our contemporary world. At Sandscapes, we believe it is crucial to understand the multifaceted nature of Sandtray Therapy and its immense potential for healing and growth.

Megan Brock, LPCC, ICST-P


My name is Megan Cinnamon, LPCC-S, ICST-P

Hi! I’m Megan and I wanted to share with you a little about my journey in sandtray therapy. It all began when I was working in a foster care agency fresh out of graduate school. I was working with traumatized children and needed a tool that was more than just your traditional talk-therapy approach. I hit the ground running and began researching methods for treating traumatized children. Of course, I  began training in Play Therapy and one day stumbled upon sandtray therapy on, believe it or not, Pinterest! I bought my first plastic tub and filled it happily with playground sand. I bought animals and a few people, even some fences and other miscellaneous miniatures. I found that my clients loved the sandtray, but I was struggling with writing my notes to reflect the powerful healing I was witnessing. I hit the internet once again for all the sandtray resources I could find. There, I came across Southern Sandtray Institute and knew that I needed to travel to Jonesboro, Arkansas for more training. I have never looked back. 

The training I received truly changed my life personally and professionally. I finally understood the power of sandtray therapy because I did my own work in the sand and learned the skills I needed to be successful and more importantly, skills for my clients to heal. My hope with training others is to provide a space where personal growth and healing can occur so that our clients all around the world can benefit from the powerful tool of sandtray therapy.



I am trained and certified, and attend workshops on a regular basis.


Our Training Facility is easily accessible via public transportation.

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When I discovered the ICST training I knew I had found a place where all the pieces could form a complete picture of what sandtray is and what it can do for the client...as well as what it could provide to me as a therapist both personally and professionally. I started the journey with Megan and she escorted our cohort through the ICST training to accomplish my long awaited goal of becoming a sandtray therapist. Megan provided an educational experience that grounded me in knowledge and confidence. She accomplished this with an approach that honored the uniqueness of each individual in a safe and protected space. Megan's gentle spirit, southern hospitality, and professional experience in sandtray made this a warm, welcoming, and well rounded learning experience.

-Patricia, OH

Our Sandtray Training Programs

At the Kentucky Sandtray Institute, we understand the significance of continuous education and professional development in the field of mental health. That is why we have meticulously curated our sandtray training programs to ensure that they are not only comprehensive but also engaging and practical. Our team of highly experienced trainers and facilitators possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in sandtray therapy, enabling them to deliver a truly enriching educational experience.

By enrolling in our sandtray training programs, you will have the opportunity to delve deep into the intricacies of sandtray therapy and explore its profound impact on mental health. Through hands-on exercises, interactive workshops, and insightful discussions, you will gain invaluable insights into the therapeutic power of the sandtray method.

Furthermore, our institute fosters a supportive and collaborative learning environment, allowing you to connect and network with like-minded professionals from around the world. This global community of mental health practitioners serves as a platform for sharing ideas, experiences, and best practices, thereby enriching your sandtray therapy journey even further.

So, whether you are a seasoned mental health professional looking to refine your sandtray therapy skills or a novice eager to learn about this transformative approach, the Kentucky Sandtray Institute is here to guide you every step of the way. Explore our comprehensive training programs, discover new techniques, and unlock the full potential of sandtray therapy in your practice.

Join us at the Kentucky Sandtray Institute, and let us be your trusted partner in your sandtray therapy journey. Together, we will shape the landscapes of mental health and pave the way for a brighter, more fulfilling future.

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